Wednesday, June 3, 2009

End of the Year Reflection

I learned lots of things in Media Arts I. My favorite thing about Media Arts was black and white photography and developing pictures in the dark room. I also learned how to edit photos on Photoshop and that is something i've always wanted to learn to do. I really disliked the projects that involved inDesign it was a very complicated program that was like Illustrator except more confusing. Making buttons was also a fun thing to do in this class. I signed up for the Photography Media arts class next year and look forward to spending more time in the dark room.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Edward Weston

1. In your words write a short bio of his photographic experience.

Weston was an American Photographer, and co-founder of Group f/64. He experienced a transition from pictorialism to strait photography, becoming "the pioneer of precise and sharp presentation". His pictures included the human figure as well as items of nature, including seaside wildlife, plants, and landscapes

2. Describe his photographic style and some of his more famous photographs.

Weston often photographed nature and the human figure, later in his life he photographed subject in the nude and was also fond of still life.


Ansel Adams

1. In your words write a short bio of his photographic experience.

Ansel was an American photographer and environmentalist, best known for his black and white photographs of the American west and primarily Yosemite National Park For his images, he developed the zone system, a way to determine proper exposure and adjust the contrast of the final print.

2. Describe his photographic style and some of his more famous photographs?

Ansel photographed nature with black and white film and majority of, if not all of his photographs were of nature or people in nature


Friday, April 24, 2009

Nine Of Me

Andy Warhol

1. In your words write a short bio of his photographic experience.

Warhol was an American painter, print maker and filmmaker who was the leading "pop artist" of his time. He was also known for his widely diverse social circles and he coined the phrase "15 minutes of fame".

2. Who are some of the famous people or things he has photographed?

He's photographed celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Kennedy, Elizabeth Taylor, Mick Jagger, and Michael Jackson


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Annie Leibovitz

1. In your words write a short bio of her photographic experience.

Annie Liebovitz worked for many years at Rolling Stone magazine as chief photographer, helping define the rolling stone look with her intimate photographs of celebrities. She's known for photographing John and Yoko and being the last person to ever professionally shoot John only five hours before he was killed. She also is known for having shot pictures of a "topless" 15-year old Miley Cyrus, and even though they considered it to be artistic, many, however, did not.

2. Who are some of the famous people she has photographed?

John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Queen Elizabeth II, and Miley Cyrus

(Annie Leibovitz taking pictures of celebrities as disney characters for Disney's Year of a Million Dreams)

Digital Alphabet

Monday, April 13, 2009

Black and White Photography Questions

1. What are the three basic elements of a camera?
-optical element (the lens)
-chemical element (the film)
-mechanical element (the camera body)

What is an SLR camera?
single-lens-reflex camera is a camera where the photographer sees exactly the same image that is exposed to the film and can adjust everything by turning dials and clicking buttons.

3.What is the purpose of a camera's aperture?
The camera's aperture is the amount of light let into the camera and onto the picture. A smaller aperture lets in less light while a larger aperture lets in more light.

4.What does shutter speed on a camera control?
The amount of light that is in the room depends on what shutter speed you use to let in the right amount of light into the camera

5.To get the right exposure for a picture, what three things must be balanced?
-film speed
-aperture size
-shutter speed

6.To take pictures outside on a very sunny day, would you use a high or low film speed? Why?
low speed film. low speed films are optimal for shots in bright light.

7.What are the four steps for developing black and white film?
-the film is placed in developing agent
-rinsing film with water, or using "stop" bath
-fixing bath. The fixer dissolves only silver-halide crystals, leaving the silver metal behind.
film is washed with water to remove all the processing chemicals.

8.What things are needed to make a black and white print?
-black-and-white paper

9.For a black and white print, the final image is actually what material?

Infrared Tutorial

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Principles of Design

Pattern- shows a consistency in art by the repetition of colors or lines. this picture shows repetition on the leaf by using the same color and similar lines throughout the leaf.

Contrast- shows difference and diversity by combining elements to create interest. The contrast of the red flowers to the white flowers creates the interest in this piece.

Emphasis- is showing a point of interest to pull in the viewer's eye to the focal point of the art. the emphasis on this picture is the picture that is in color on the otherwise black and white page replacing the man's head with whipped cream.

Balance- uses repetition in art to create a sense of stability. in this picture balance is shown using the three repeating different colored rectangles as well as the vertical ridges of the wall.

Variety- is the differences shown in art using different colors, shapes, textures and values. the different thicknesses of lines and colors show variety in this picture

Unity- Appears when all parts of the art create one whole. The elements are all proportional and make the picture seem as one.

Movement- shows action and adds excitement by directing the viewer's eyes through the picture. The wavy lines draw the viewer's eyes across this painting with the differences in line size.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Elements of Design

Color- Has three properties: hue (or the name of the color), Intensity (brightness/dullness), and value (lightness/darkness). This picture shows clear, bright, vivid colors especially in the color of the gumball machine and the individual gumballs.

Texture- refers to the surface quality or "feel" of an object. In this photo the texture shown is that of the brick wall. The photographer captured the texture in all the indents and bumps in the bricks.

Form- is the three-dimensional element of art. The shadowing and angle of the picture show the coffee cup as a three-dimensional object with volume.

Line- Refers to a continuous mark made on a surface by a moving point. Both the horizontal lines of the escalator and the vertical lines of the escalator rails show the line element.

Shape- shows an enclosed shape bound by other elements of art. Shapes can be either geometric or organic. This picture shows geometric shapes bound by other similar shapes.

Value- is used to show volume, or depth, of an object in a photo. The light and dark values on the spheres of this picture show depth.

Space- is the distance or area between, around, above or within objects. This picture depicts space in the way that the three shells are proportionally spaced across the water.