Color- Has three properties: hue (or the name of the color), Intensity (brightness/dullness), and value (lightness/darkness). This picture shows clear, bright, vivid colors especially in the color of the gumball machine and the individual gumballs.
Texture- refers to the surface quality or "feel" of an object. In this photo the texture shown is that of the brick wall. The photographer captured the texture in all the indents and bumps in the bricks.
Form- is the three-dimensional element of art. The shadowing and angle of the picture show the coffee cup as a three-dimensional object with volume.

Line- Refers to a continuous mark made on a surface by a moving point. Both the horizontal lines of the escalator and the vertical lines of the escalator rails show the line element.

Shape- shows an enclosed shape bound by other elements of art. Shapes can be either geometric or organic. This picture shows geometric shapes bound by other similar shapes.
Value- is used to show volume, or depth, of an object in a photo. The light and dark values on the spheres of this picture show depth.
Space- is the distance or area between, around, above or within objects. This picture depicts space in the way that the three shells are proportionally spaced across the water.

Line- Refers to a continuous mark made on a surface by a moving point. Both the horizontal lines of the escalator and the vertical lines of the escalator rails show the line element.

Shape- shows an enclosed shape bound by other elements of art. Shapes can be either geometric or organic. This picture shows geometric shapes bound by other similar shapes.

great job with the pictures!!!!! really define the meaning of terms. thankx